Saturday, March 16, 2013

Next Media Issue 920: Exclusive shot of Kelvin smoking in his luxury RV

周麗淇與「紗廠太子爺」 Eric舊情復熾,而她的舊愛鄭嘉穎則搵錢至上,轉戰內地拍劇愈戰愈勇。近日他在寧波趕拍內地劇《華胥引》,緊接 6月再到上海拍劇集《葉問 2》。雖然忙到甩轆,但據知鄭嘉穎已私下答應樂易玲年底回巢 TVB拍劇,幫娘家度過難關。
Niki Chow and textile businessman Eric got back together but her ex-boyfriend Kevin Cheng seems to put all his attention on money, switching his focus to China. He is now rushing to finish Hua Xu Ying in Ningbo so that he can join the crew of Ip Man 2 which will begin in June in Shanghai. Although his schedule is really pack but it is reported that he has privately agreed with Virginia Lok to return to shoot a TVB drama, to help TVB tide over this difficult period.
鄭嘉穎為了加速完成《華胥引》,決定開 turbo,叫劇組編「特更」之外,連放飯時間都縮短。上月尾( 23日),本刊在寧波象山影城內拍得鄭嘉穎的「粉樣」造型。他更以四萬元人仔月租私伙「流動休息車」,讓自己在內喪食喪扯煙,比起周潤發當年拍《黃金甲》專用的貨車睡房更型更豪。拍一套劇賺成千萬的鄭嘉穎,果然識嘆。
In order to speed up the completion date of Hua Xu Ying, decided to turbo charge himself even shortening his meal time. He has also rented an RV which costs RMB40,000 per month for him to have his meals and take his puff. Compared to Chow Yuen Fatt who had a modified truck, this is a lot more luxurious. Kevin who will be earning more than RMB10million from this drama really knows how to enjoy.

上月 23日,鄭嘉穎在寧波象山影城拍攝《華胥引》,除了聘請了一名當地女助手貼身侍候之外,在場工作人員對他都特別照顧。由於鄭要飾演 20多歲的蘇譽,劇組專登為他設計「白馬王子」般的造型,粉底亦要塗得厚厚,即時後生晒。
Apart from employing a full time female assistant who follows him around taking care of his needs, the on-site crew also takes care of him very well. Because he is playing someone half his age, they have purportedly styled a Prince Charming image for him with extremely thick foundation powder.
憑內地劇《步步驚心》紅爆內地的 44歲鄭嘉穎,早前推掉《步 2》,反而以 35萬人仔一集酬勞接拍內地古裝劇《華胥引》,飾演 20多歲的蘇譽,近日在寧波象山影城趕工。單是演出這套劇,他已穩賺 1,400萬人仔。
Kevin who was shot to stardom with Scarlet Heart had to refuse Scarlet Heart 2 to take on RMB350,000 per episode's Hua Xu Ying to play Su Yu who is only in his twenties. Just this series alone, he has earned a paycheck of RMB14million.


巨大如十六座小巴的「流動睡房」,連司機月租 4萬蚊人仔,由於鄭嘉穎拍攝無定時,要包埋司機的酒店住宿,果然夠豪。
His RV is as big as a 16 seater mini bus. Including the driver, he pays RMB40,000 for it but because Kevin's filming schedule is very erratic and uncertain, he will have to include hotel accommodation for the driver as well.
記者透過車窗,看到身穿古裝的鄭嘉穎獨自在車內吃飯。原來他為了方便拍攝及等埋位時可以盡量休息,專登自費 4萬人仔月租這架休息車。現場所見,鄭嘉穎狼吞虎嚥十分鐘,把飯盒吃光,之後用熱毛巾抹面,再嘆番杯熱茶,非常滋陰。隨後他點起飯後煙狂扯,樣子極度享受。放飯時間不足 20分鐘,鄭嘉穎又要繼續開工。
Reporter happened to see Kevin in his costume eating alone in the vehicle. The reporter got to know that Kevin has rented this vehicle in order to facilitate shooting and able to grab any available chance to rest while waiting to get into position. Kevin was devoured his food in 10 minutes, then used a hot towel to wiped his face, flossed his teeth and had a cup of hot tea. After that, he lighted a cigarette and started puffing looking like he's enjoying every bit. In less than 20 minutes, Kevin is back at work.


鄭嘉穎為了緊接 6月開拍的內地劇《葉問 2》,想盡辦法加快《華》劇拍攝進度,主動要求劇組編「特更」。知情人士透露:「嘉穎拍之前已同導演講明,辛苦啲唔緊要,最緊要五月底前拍完,叫導演同劇組講,個 rundown唔使太遷就佢,可以去盡啲,一日開十六個鐘都冇問題。」
In order to be able to take on Ip Man 2, he is trying his best to speed up the completion of Hua Xu Ying. Insider reveals: "Before they started shooting Kevin has already told the director that he doesn't mind putting in more effort and time but the whole thing must finish by end of May. He asked the director to spread the word that they do not have to accommodate him, can stretch it. If he needs to work 16 hours a day, he's alright with it."

這架休息車內有乾坤,記者曾經在車外窺看內裏間隔陳設,發現內裏是一廳一房,「實用面積」超過一百二十呎,客飯廳有一張枱仔及梳化,旁邊更有小酒吧櫃。估不到的是,堂堂大男人鄭嘉穎,竟然如女孩子般放滿毛公仔,相信是內地 fans所送。除了梳化外,房內有一張 3× 6呎單人牀,等埋位前,鄭嘉穎定必在內休息夠本。
From the outside of the RV, the reporters manage to see that it has a bedroom and a living room. Usable area is approximately 120feet. There's a dining table plus a sofa and a small bar next to it. What was surprising is to find a lot of soft toys in the vehicle which must be gifts from fans. There is also a 3x6feet single bed in the room.


據知,無綫製作資源部總監樂易玲最近親自致電鄭嘉穎,要他度期回巢。還有幾套劇要還的鄭嘉穎,初步答應年底會返無綫拍劇,為近年無綫小生花旦四散而救亡。知情人士透露:「依家連陳展鵬都做主角,但收視反映出嚟真係未夠火候, TVB自知好唔夠人孭飛。不過嘉穎都算有情有義,仲記得全靠樂小姐關照先有今日,所以樂小姐開到聲,佢拍晒心口應承年底會返 TVB。」為此記者曾致電樂易玲,惟至截稿前仍未獲回覆。
It is reported that Virginia Lok has personally called Kevin to ask him to return to TVB. Kevin who still has to fulfill his contract with TVB with a number of dramas agreed to return end of the year. Insider reveals: "Even Ruco Chan plays a lead role nowadays but the ratings are really bad. TVB knows that its talents are all scattered especially in China. But Kevin is still considered humane, he remembers it is because of Virginia Lok that he is where he is today. Since Miss Lok has already made that request, Kevin promised to return end of this year." 


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