Friday, October 19, 2012

Souhu 17 Oct 2012: Kevin goes topless in Ip Man, nurses blush while dressing his wound

由苏州福纳公司出品的电视剧版《叶问》正在昆山紧张拍摄中,剧中男一号叶问的扮演者郑嘉颖 几乎每天都有高强度的打戏。郑嘉颖坦言:“从来没有试过一部戏是几乎没有一天不打的,非常之累。”记者探班当天,就刚好又遇到一场重要的打戏——郑嘉颖PK日本剑圣小笠原。  
Kevin, who is in the final stages of shooting Ip Man, has challenging fight scenes almost everyday. He admits "I have never shot a drama that requires me to fight everyday. It is extremely tiring." Today, while our reporters are visiting the set, Kevin will take on Japanese swordsman.

Although Kevin has never practiced martial arts and is not from a professional martial art family, but due to his diligence, hard-work and his talent coupled with guidance from the martial art experts on the set, one can hardly find any fault with his Wing Chun moves.  

On the set, our reporters saw that Kevin is now able to fully grasp the moves, using Wing Chun to easily counter the sword of the Japanese. In order to be more realistic, the director arranged for the Japanese swordsman to aim his sword directly at Kevin's head. Kevin only used his two hands to stop the attack, narrowly winning the battle. Kevin's moves were fast and precise.
In order to cater to the needs of the show, Kevin had to take on the scene even though he was injured that day, narrowly winning the Japanese swordsman. Nurses waiting by the ring-side ready to bandage the injured Kevin and they blushed the moment they see him topless. 

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