Thursday, October 11, 2012

Apple Daily 11 October 2012: Kevin Earns 45Million - Biggest Earner in TVB

Ip Man bags 9 million
For the 35 episodes of Ip Man in which Kevin plays the lead role, he takes home RMB9 million
  f- f& C/ s4 l" p; k3 `, E

# k$ h4 F. p% e) w4 \6 H1 b
鄭嘉穎去年憑內地劇《步步驚心》紅爆大中華,狂風掃落葉連拍了五部內地劇,即時豬籠入水,最近更接拍《步步驚心2》,即時水漲船高收40萬人民幣一集酬勞,單計拍劇,嘉穎今年有近4,720萬收入,扣除無綫佣金,他已經淨袋3,776萬,再加近千萬元的廣告、商演酬金,他年賺逾4,500萬成為無綫吸金王!4 i) R) p( U7 X. k9 O$ H7 g- O

0 {3 X- d0 C  W/ Q3 N% j2 ~

無綫近年讓不少旗下藝人包括鄭嘉穎、吳卓羲、胡杏兒、林峯、謝天華、黃宗澤和陳法拉等返內地拍劇搵真銀,每人因應搶手程度、人氣而各被市場定位、定價,其中鄭嘉穎挾兩屆視帝之名,去年憑內地劇《步步驚心》紅遍全中國,令本身已是搶手貨的他更加搶手,在內地拍劇一部接一部,就連內地劇《葉問》都看上他的人氣加無綫劇《拳王》的身手而邀他演出。& n5 h7 O; [% |$ s" C
Kevin went into the Mainland market last year and with the super stardom he found through Scarlet Heart, he landed himself with 5 Chinese TV series in a row and more recently accepting to star in Scarlet Heart 2, pushing his per episode salary up to RMB40,000. Just acting in TV series alone, his earnings this year is close to RMB47.2million. After deducting TVB's commission, he will have nett earnings of RMB37.76million and if we include commercials, guest appearances which come close to RMB10million, he will be taking home some RMB45million becoming TVB's top earner!

, m9 b# o) ?" O; {
《滾滾紅塵》袋600萬% d5 Q1 E4 Q+ A, 

Red Dust bags RMB6million
This year, Kevin has taken up 6 TV series bagging close to RMB40million
Hero bags RMB7.2million
0 F) _. c& G) {* j# c

2 M3 r. V# V, E% J6 C
( H( w8 d, a( J
* k% N% Y( ^8 @9 g1 Z5 \
事實上,嘉穎今年在內地密密拍,年頭忙到年尾,一口氣接了六部內地電視劇,而且有不少劇本排隊給他揀選,務求得他歡心而接拍。據了解,嘉穎今年拍劇的酬勞時有調整,拍40集的《萬水千山風雨情》約袋700萬人民幣、《深宮諜影》37集約袋600萬、《英雄》共36集就賺了720萬、《滾滾紅塵》30集賺600萬,而現正拍攝中的《葉問》,35集約有900萬元,越拍越貴,亦越貴越有,下月開拍的《步步驚心2》,嘉穎酬金更升至40萬一集,單計拍劇,嘉穎今年有近4,720萬收入,扣除無綫百分之二十的佣金,他已經淨袋3,776萬!) @7 _+ P- O' v. X$ K  F
除了拍劇,嘉穎的廣告及出席活動的收益亦有近千萬元可觀數字,雖然嘉穎大部份時間在內地拍劇,但仍可以一個月抽時間出席4、5個不同地方的商演活動,一於大小通吃,密食當三番。據知,嘉穎有一半以上的廣告及商演活動都因檔期問題接不成,但即使現在埋單計數,嘉穎已肯定成為無綫經理人部門本年度賺錢最多的藝人。* [# }0 c! L8 b

% w' }7 m) {1 m5 I6 f' z3 y- D1 W

- G* L' R7 C/ s- o7 y' K$ c4 e
Shoots 6 Mainland Production, earning quietly
It is reported that Scarlet Heart 2 will start shooting next month, how can the famous 8th Prince miss that? In order to ensure that secure themselves a place in Kevin's busy schedule, the production company has offered him a whopping RMB400,000 per episode and of course, they successfully got him to agree. Taking an average of 30 episodes, Kevin will be bagging RMB12million!

In fact, being so busy since the beginning of the year, Kevin has worked on 6 projects. There are actually a lot of scripts waiting for him to accept than just these. Apparently, his salary is adjusted with each project he accepts starting with 40 episode 萬水千山風雨情 where he was paid only RMB7million, 30 episode Red Dust which he was paid RMB6million and now Ip Man, 35 episodes at RMB9. The more projects he accepts, he higher his salary and next month's Scarlet Heart 2 will be highest yet at RMB400,000 per episode. All the 6 dramas will contribute RMB47.2million to his 2012 income, minus TVB's 20% commission, he is still bringing home RMB37.76million! Apart from acting, he has also advertisements and events which will come to close to RMB10million. It is reported that because of his tight schedule, he has had to refuse more than half of those offers. 

3 k; Z/ _; H1 `4 J, \
0 {% u& `. f$ m
# M/ y& g2 \$ N: l( k6 f

Kevin was awarded TV King, this year top earner. TVB King will be left to Moses Chan, Wayne Lai and Raymond Lam to fight it out.
. E7 ~  y  P! s. g' B

* y( t  R' T! ]
! I3 }, L7 h; ~7 m$ q/ I
正身在內地拍攝《葉問》的嘉穎,對於成為新一代無綫吸金王,他謙虛說:「搵兩餐啫!千祈唔好咁講,我啱啱儲夠錢買咗層樓畀媽咪,而我自己嗰層仲喺度努力緊,拍完《葉問》接落去又要拍《步步驚心2》,相信要忙到新年先至可以返無綫拍劇。」問到是否明年會開屬於自己的工作室?他雀躍地說:「係呀!我想自己學吓做製作,家搵緊人寫劇本,由自己嘅工作室投資拍劇同電影,希望可以拍一啲自己喜歡嘅題材。」/ v, x9 K0 K' b% I* ]
Commenting on reports that he is the top earner, he humbly replied that it is only to survive. He has actually spent quite a bit recently to get his mum a property while his own is still work in progress. After Ip Man, he will start with Scarlet Heart 2 and believe it will only end after the New Year before he can return to TVB. 

As for the annual TVB award ceremony, he is in the running to become TVB King again with Ghetto Justice 2 but he hasn't confirm if he will be able to attend. But looking at his earnings this year, it really doesn't matter anymore if he wins the award or not. He himself thinks the person with the best chance is Wayne Lai.

) \( W: v+ l$ c& d4 W4 O# [1 u
5 r( v9 d, Z/ J% e2 p0 w0 E# S
無綫視帝鄭嘉穎去年憑內地劇《步步驚心》紅爆大中華後,一年內接連接了六齣內地劇,扣除無綫抽佣,嘉穎淨袋4,576萬。$ G!

Kevin went into China last year through Scarlet Heart rising to stardom. He took on 6 TV series in a year, after deducting TVB's commission he still bags RMB45.76million

 v( l! M; `( ]' Q: H8 X4 y

0 O8 @$ P. \% h: V

劇集:《深宮諜影》, F! U& }0 d( \9 |
簡介:古裝諜戰劇,嘉穎扮演格泰,與甘婷婷做對手戲。- a+ r6 S9 B- _5 o  _
集數:37集 酬勞(人民幣):600萬4 f/ y- O- H% S/ [* ~9 v; b, `; ^

4 U1 X  U/ ~( }4 s* u$ {( l/ v
% X+ r& x0 [! M% W% s7 I
: c7 J% S2 t" X* q4 \+ G
集數:36集 酬勞(人民幣):720萬) E& B7 a" R2 L9 G8 C# E

% J8 g1 [# s& Y7 P8 e# J
3 P' v- a. F) c- G
; P: J1 \8 E- t: `/ B
集數:30集 酬勞(人民幣):600萬
3 u& [, k4 E8 ~
$ Y- L! [0 t$ O6 c) ]

劇集:《萬水千山風雨情》5 T$ D9 o, v  n6 t7 F
簡介:民初劇,加入懸疑元素,女主角為徐熙顏。' t. q: K4 ~. t1 g# F1 O$ k& m
集數:40集 酬勞(人民幣):700萬
) r7 A7 J! n; d  U
/ r% `5 v8 b, f: g

劇集:《葉問》) [7 A& ?6 a; o! `# p9 ]
簡介:嘉穎扮演葉問,與韓雪為一對。& m& H  k: A4 X3 r2 Z  ~- w8 v
集數:35集 酬勞(人民幣):900萬
7 ^8 C( U  t% o- u1 F- _
# A  x6 u: _6 f

劇集:《步步驚心2》6 q9 F- F" a1 P1 l7 X
簡介:下月中開拍,與劉詩詩、吳奇隆等原班人馬參演。% e0 ]3 u5 \) g) n
集數:約30集 酬勞(人民幣):1,200萬
( U7 Z7 m  B7 \- @# z- k4 n
' u5 K4 Y- |; R0 ?/ w: C5 M

+ v5 r3 O( B4 |: N. y5 X; Q( \0 G
3 e+ B$ G4 ^! p- Z2 L6 T
扣除無綫抽佣:-1,144萬+ B5 w  L: Y4 G7 d
! z& t- Q* c' V7 O. b! v

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