Monday, February 4, 2013

Style Weekly: Kevin - do not want repeats

  到2013 年,郑嘉颖出道整20 年。《步步惊心》和《怒火街头》成就了郑嘉颖年过四十的事业版图,去年他又连拍四部戏,电视剧《叶问》即将于今年3 月播出,《滚滚红尘》也将于5 月亮相。对于时下《一代宗师》的热映,郑嘉颖表示并不担心自己饰演的叶问被比较,挑战新鲜的角色是他觉得过瘾的事,“身为演员就是要不断地证明自己,你不可能只有两部让人家记得的戏,我不想一直拍重复的东西,就想给观众新的惊喜。”1 月22 日,郑嘉颖获邀出席了在沈阳卓展购物中心举办的Dior 迪奥奢金盛宴活动,表达了他对于Dior 迪奥真我纯香香氛的见解,更分享了他对于品质的解读。

Kevin will be celebrating his 20th anniversary in the entertainment industry this year. Scarlet Heart and Ghetto Justice has become the blue print of Kevin's career after 40 years-old. He took on 4 TV series last year, where his last project, Ip Man, has been confirm to air in March while Red Dust will be aired in May. Commenting on Tony Leung's The Grandmaster which is being shown now in the theaters, Kevin says he is not worried about being compared to the likes. He likes challenging new roles: "An actor needs to constantly prove himself/herself. It is not enough to have just 2 works to represent oneself. I do not want to be repeating the roles which I have played before. I like to surprise the audiences." 22nd January, Kevin attended Dior's event in Shengyang. He shared his thoughts about Dior J'adore.
  自从2010 年北上内地以来,郑嘉颖拍了多部古装戏,率先于2011 年播出的《步步惊心》让这个已过不惑之年的男人一下子炙手可热,他在剧中塑造的“八阿哥”成为了众多观众心中最完美的八爷形象。同年,郑嘉颖又凭借主演的《怒火街头》夺下当年TVB 最佳男主角奖,至此,他年过四十的事业版图,重新扩张。
Since 2010 after heading northwards, Kevin has taken on a couple of period dramas. The first to hit the silver screen in 2011 is Scarlet Heart which brought this late-bloomer huge success and popularity. His portrayal of 8th Prince was is firmly etched in the minds of the audience. In the same year, Kevin was crowned TVB's TV King by winning Best Actor award with Ghetto Justice. His career blueprint is being re-written.

  没有人红气盛,更没有一丝松懈,《叶问》、《滚滚红尘》、《万水千山风雨情》...... 郑嘉颖没有停下脚步,而是在2012 年一鼓作气拍了更多部作品,以至于记者让他总结2012 年的遗憾时,他说的便是:“过去一年,我十个多月都在开工,只有一个月在香港陪我妈,时间太少了。”
Without any arrogance nor any sign of slowing down, Kevin continues to push himself. In 2012, he took on 5 TV series and when asked what was his regret in 2012, he said: "I was working for most of the year and only managed to spend 1 month in Hong Kong with my mum. It's really too short."
  出道这些年里,他演过无数的角色,有大反派,也有万人迷,而对于内地的观众来说,似乎都很想知道哪一个更像生活中的他,是《步步惊心》里面的深情八爷,还是《怒火街头》里面的痞子律师LAW 霸?他的回答是:“很难说,一个是时装一个是古装,当然时装更贴近我自己了。其实每一个角色都有我的性格在里面,我只不过在不同角色里面把适合他们的性格放大,你说有没有温柔的一面,每个人都会有温柔的一面,有没有随性的一面,每个人也都会有随性的一面,只不过你把哪个重点放大。每个角色都是我,人就是有很多面的,只不过看你要把哪一面给观众看了。其实那两个角色是很极端的,但都是我。”
He has taken on various type of roles since the beginning of his career - villain, prince charming, etc but to the Mainland audiences, they are more intrigue to find out which is closer to life? Is it Scarlet Heart's 8th Prince or is it Ghetto Justice's Law Ba? His reply: "It's difficult to say - one is period while the other is current. I will say current will be closer to my heart. Actually there is an element of me in every character that I play. I just magnify different characteristics of each character. Everyone has a gentle side and a casual side - I just magnify that particular trait according to the needs of the show. Every character is me. All of us have different sides - you just have to decide which side of you do you want to show the audience right now. In fact, the two roles are extremes of each other but they are all me."

 私下里的郑嘉颖笑容温和、态度谦逊,还带着点他特有的幽默,他说自己“不正经的时候还是像LAW 霸多一点!胡说八道一类的,胡闹啊,开玩笑啊,一般人会做的事情我都会做。”他说生活中的自己就是很爱搞笑,当然要先看跟谁,要看心情,“好比我们拍《步步惊心》的时候,剧情里面已经很伤人了,都要哭的,但是我们在旁边等的时候,就开玩笑,玩到不正经的地步,还好你们观众不在现场哦。所以你们看到的剧情,和我们私底下是完全两样,不是不认真,我们每到要拍的时候也会准备戏,但是幽默搞笑也是有帮助的,我们不能总是很沉重的。”
Privately, Kevin's got a gentle smile, humble attitude and has a unique sense of humour. He claims that he is more like Law Ba when he is not serious! What most people does, I do too like speaking nonsense, joke etc. He says in real life, he loves to joke but of course, it also depends on who he's with and his mood: "Like when we were shooting Scarlet Heart, the script is very tragic. A lot of crying but when we are the side waiting for our scene, we will start fooling around. Thank God none of the audience are there to see how playful we can get! Whatever you all see and what we actually are privately are totally different people. It's not that we are not serious. We will prepare for our scenes whenever it's our turn to get into the mood and character. But being jovial helps as well because we cannot be staying in the somber mood forever."
  2013,对于郑嘉颖来说,依旧会是个不平凡的年份,说到这里,他不免先自我幽默了一把:“2013 年对我来说蛮有代表性的,因为到今年我刚好入行20 年,不过,看起来不像20 年哦?”说着发出爽朗的笑声。
To Kevin, 2013 will continue to be extraordinary. "2013 will be meaningful because it will mark my 20th year in the industry. I don't look like I have been doing this for 20 years right?" He said this with a hearty laughter. 
  当然,他坦承这20 年里面有着许多不为人知的艰辛与努力,而这些也刚好成就了如今的他,“我刚入行的时候很多人说我不太适合做艺人,但是我足足做了20 年,已经很不简单了,是个奇迹。这些年,支撑我的是那些最失意的时候,懂得了什么是难,所以你会很珍惜有机会的时候,那是一个冲动,不想失败,不能接受失败的感觉。”而未来的日子里,郑嘉颖最想做的就是想要有更多的挑战去证明自己,有更多不一样的东西呈现,不想再重复。
He admits that there were a lot of hardship and hardwork that went into the making of the 20 years, which happens to have shape what he is today. "When I first joined this industry, many people told me that I'm not suited for this industry but I have been for 20 years. It is not easy, a miracle. All these year, what kept me going is really those times when I was in the dumps. When you know what is tough, you will cherish the opportunities and success that comes after that. That is an impulse, a feeling that you do not want to fail and do not accept failure." What Kevin looks for in the future are more challenging roles for him to prove himself. 
  出道20 年,兼具“偶像级”艺人的外形与实力派演员的内涵,生活中的郑嘉颖更坦承生活中的自己其实与平常人一样,闲暇时最喜欢的事情是打网球、看电影、看戏和K歌,当然他说从来不会唱自己的歌,“说真的,还是唱学友的歌比较多,因为从小,也不能说从小,总之我就喜欢他很久了,以前很荣幸和他一个唱片公司嘛!”他还调侃道:“其实我唱歌可以不收钱的,但是他们开始愿意付钱给我,所以我很开心啊!
As an artist who has the looks and talent, Kevin admits that in life he's just like anybody else. If he has the time, he loves to play tennis, watch movies, watch TV and going to karaoke but will never sing his own songs. "I will usually sing Jacky Cheung's songs because I have always admired him since I was young. It was an honour to be signed under the same record company in the past." Mischeviously, he continued: "Actually I am willing to sing for free but people are willing to pay me to have me sing a few songs so I'm really happy!"
  作为优质艺人,郑嘉颖极尽亲和地在当天迪奥的活动现场分享了众多自己的时尚态度,他说男人喷洒香水其实是礼貌的表现,“别人与你近距离接触,有时候是凭借嗅觉的,比如坐飞机的时候坐得那么近,要给别人好印象,香水是不错的选择。”他说当年是因为关注时装而喜欢迪奥,还一直强调“是Dior 选择了我”,让品牌的工作人员欣慰不已,这就是成熟艺人的品质。在他眼中,Dior 是非常洋气的品牌,而他的时尚理念就是“不要一味地把流行都穿在身上,要找到适合自己的,而使用一些有品质的牌子,就是时尚的保证。”
As a professional artiste, Kevin shared his fashion ideas at Dior's event. He says men using perfume is a sign of politeness and respect. "People uses the sense of smell at close proximity. For example when you take the plane, the proximity to the other person is really close so to leave a good impression, perfume is the best way." He kept emphasizing the fact that his affinity with Dior began when Dior chose him (Ann: KC is not being arrogant here - in fact the other way. Rather than saying that he chose Dior, he's humble enough to say Dior chose him), pleasing the staff endlessly. This is the quality of a matured artiste. His fashion philosophy is "do not follow the fashion blindly but find something that is suitable and comfortable ourselves. Buying quality brands is a guarantee."

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