Tuesday, February 26, 2013

China News 25 Feb 2013: Xiang Shan TV and Film City Meet The Fans, Kevin Cheng spends last day of CNY with fans

明星与粉丝共度元宵 明星与粉丝共度元宵 宁波2月24日电(何蒋勇陈晓桦)24日下午2时(正月十五元宵节),浙江省宁波象山影视城春秋战国城皇宫举办《华胥引》剧组粉丝见面会。郑嘉颖、袁弘、蒋欣等主创到会见面会,和粉丝共度元宵。 记者在现场发现,各位明星在现
24th Feb 2pm, Xiang Shan TV and Film organised Hua Xu Ying meet the fans session. Main cast Kevin Cheng, Yuan Hong and Jiang Xin attended the event, spending the last day of Chinese New Year with fans. 

The cast members interacted actively with fans, spoke about the interesting stuff that has happened so far during shooting and allowed pictures to be taken. The weather that day was sunny and warm. Fans came with much enthusiasm from all over the country to attend the event. Official fan clubs of all 3 gave out a total of 500 VIP tickets to fans for them to have the opportunity for closer interactions with their idols.

A fan from Taizhou said he found out about the event from his friends and brought his wife and kids to meet the stars.

On the scene, the master of ceremony interacted with the stars by asking a lot of interesting questions. Yuan Hong commented that his role this time is similar to what he was in Scarlet Heart. The only difference is there are a lot more emotions this time. Speaking about working with Kevin for the 2nd time, he says in Scarlet Heart they belong to different camps but this time they are a pair of brothers who grew up together so a lot more emotions.

Jiang Xin's role has a nondetachable and complicated relationship with Yuan Hong, scolded Yuan Hong's character for having no conscience. Yuan Hong broke into a song on the spot making all laugh.

All 3 stars interacted actively at the event, praising each other, discussing about food, discussing about fun stuff and even discussing the latest gossips! The atmosphere was very positive attracting continuous screams from the fans.

Ever since the official pictures of the cast in their costumes were published online, many netizens agreed that Kevin Cheng is becoming more and more refined. Kevin joked that he is also the same refined gentleman in real life. Kevin was voted as the person who attracts the most opposite sex attention.

The funniest moment has to be when Yuan Hong was asked to pick a number for the lucky draw and he picked 13. He claim to be in Xiang Shan for the 4th time so he knows exactly where to find good food and good places to hang out, but he has yet to show Jiang Xin nor Kevin around. Kevin objected on the spot. All three admitted they are gluttons. 

All 3 stars agreed that shooting in Xiang Shan is tough, often getting injured from the armour which they have to put on. It is also a norm to be shooting till wee hours of the morning to finish a scene. They are seriously deprived of sleep.

Kevin explains that compared to the other two, he is much luckier because right now they are rushing the scenes with Jiang Xin and Yuan Hong first.

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