Monday, November 12, 2012

Sina 12 November 2012: Ip Man trailer released, likely to air end of this year

  新浪娱乐讯 11月12日,电视剧版《叶问》曝光长达九分钟的第一回片花,让戏迷们先睹为快。该剧由苏州福纳出品,汇集了郑嘉颖、韩雪、刘小锋、于荣光、元华、梁小龙等明星。据制片方透露,电视剧《叶问》最早将于12月底与电视观众见面。
The 9 minute Ip Man trailer is the first of many released today by the production company to give fans a glimpse of what is coming. The series stars many big names like Kevin Cheng, Han Xue, Liu Xiaofeng, Yu Rong-guang, Yuen Wah. According to the production company, the series should hit town by end December.

  首回片花中,随着“北方五虎吞羊城,南方逆党叩头拜”的条幅倾泻而下,擂台上打戏接踵上演,精彩连连。有南拳,也有北腿。各门各派精彩过招,形 意拳、咏春拳、八卦掌、查拳等传统武术叫人目不暇接。而先前被质疑“不会打”的TVB当家小生郑嘉颖亦交出满意答卷,咏春拳出拳快速精准,步伐灵活多变。
In this first installment, one can see fight scene after fight scene. It introduces southern fist and the northern kick. It is a display of the various martial art style from different schools - boxing, Wing Chun, Bagua, etc traditional martial art styles. As for Kevin, who was previously questioned if he can put up a good "fight", also delivered extremely satisfactory performance. His punches are fast and accurate, and his pace is flexible.

  “枪口还热着,长矛毒弩、花蛇斑彩的厚盾,都有什么用呢”,片花以老舍语录开篇就预示着电视剧《叶问》的时代感与深邃。长达9分钟的片花中,郑 嘉颖饰演的叶问不停地在“问”,“我不明白……为什么……为什么……”的句式层层叠叠,反复出现。叶问不停地思考,不停地追求与探索。该剧透过一个武者的 视角,引领观众去解读那段风雨如晦的岁月,去感受民族的痛苦与煎熬,折射出大时代、大武术的气势与神韵。
The trailer opens quoting Lao She showing the era and profanity of the show. In the 9 minute long trailer, Ip Man (played by Kevin) doesn't stop asking (ask in Mandarin is "wen" which is the character's given name), "I don't understand....why...why...." Ip Man doesn't stop thinking, pursuing and exploring. This drama is leading the viewers to interpret the darkness of the era through a warrior's perspective, to feel the pain and sufferings of the people reflecting the momentum and charm of martial arts.

Tony Leung's The Grandmasters' love life remains a mystery but in Kevin's version, Han Xue plays his wife Zhang Yongcheng who is caught between Ling Qingshan (Liu Xiaofeng plays) and Ip Man staging a tangle which is helpless and chaotic combined with the relationship between Ip Man and Yu Fengjiu (Yu Rong-guang plays), Chen Huashun (Yuen Wah plays), Liang Bi (Liang Xiaolong plays). Brotherly relationship between Ip Man and A-Si (Song Yang plays); "Dog and cat love" between A-Si and Jenny (Chrissie Chan plays), brotherhood entanglement, mentor and disciple reltaionship, national righteous causes the truth to be intertwined.

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