Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sina 10 November 2012: Ip Man Wraps Up, Kevin does the Gangnam Style

   新浪娱乐讯 由郑嘉颖主演的电视剧《叶问》于昨日正式杀青,这部让郑嘉颖吃尽苦头的电视剧从盛夏拍到了初冬,历时3个多月。也许是临近杀青,记者探班时看到郑嘉颖的心情似乎不错,脸上总挂着笑容,谈笑之间甚至还比划了几下红遍网络的骑马舞,丝毫没有偶像包袱,被众人调侃为实力派的“港男Style”。
TV Series Ip Man wrapped up officially yesterday (09 November 2012). Kevin Cheng has suffered a lot shooting for this series which lasted 3 months, from summer till early autumn. Maybe because the end is near, when reporters visited, Kevin seemed to be in a jovial mood, always smiling and even did the famous gangnam style without a trace of trying to maintain his idol image. 

  郑嘉颖雨中杀青 暂时未定后续拍摄计划
Kevin's last scene was shot in the rain. To him, this challenge which has lasted 3 months has finally come to an end plus he is also the last actor to wrap up. This TV series which is considered as Kevin's transformation work has had him suffer a lot throughout. Even the last scene had him drench. At the director's final call confirming the end, the crowd let out a jubilant cry. After changing into dry clothes, Kevin took pictures with every staff.
During the 3 months, Kevin had a memorable birthday spent on the set but he also suffered a neck injury, stitches to his eye and various injury. The various fight scenes left him exhausted physically and emotionally. It is really not easy to be the grand master. Kevin revealed he will take some time to rest. He might continue working on recording his album and he still has a couple of events to attend but in the meantime, the next shooting schedule is not confirm.
  片场温馨欢乐一幕 郑嘉颖“港男Style”
Being the last person to wrap up, he happens to spend the longest time in the crew. Although glad to finally have a chance to rest but then it is also difficult to say goodbye especially towards a puppy which lives on the film set whom Kevin have grown fond of. During his breaks, Kevin will speak to the puppy and is always seen feeding him. According to the staff there, the puppy is called Xi Xi and always love following Kevin around. As though he knows that Kevin will be leaving very soon, he has been seen guarding outside Kevin's RV everyday, staging the love between man and dog.
Just a few days earlier, one of Kevin's fan brought her own kid to the set to visit. Kevin treated the kid with extreme love and care. He even started dancing the Gangnam style totally discarding his pretty boy image. Kevin's interaction with his fans is always very warm, natural, easy and approachable. Ip Man is a show where many people has devoted their time and effort into. It combines martial arts, compassion, emotions and humanistic ideas which will keep the audience waiting eagerly for its debut. 

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