Thursday, September 6, 2012

Video/Pictures/Article: Sina Entertainment Interview 07 Aug 2012 Beijing (short)

View videos at the links below (before interview - taken by the crew):


Below is the transcript.

新浪娱乐讯 8月7日下午香港电视演员及歌手,无线电视的当家一线小生郑嘉颖做客新浪, 畅聊近期的电视作品《怒火街头》。以下为本期聊天实录。

Sina: Hello all Sina fans we are very happy today to have Kevin Cheng with us.
Kevin: Hi

Sina: Welcome Kevin
Kevin: Thank you

Sina: Speaking of character, I am sure audiences who are fans of Ghetto 
Justice will be extremely familiar of that "Objection" hand-sign.
Kevin: I hope everybody is like you.

Sina: Right, have been watching. Ghetto Justice 2 will be released soon - waiting for it eagerly. Did you create this sign yourself as you go along during shooting?
Kevin: It is something I created during the first series.

主持人:当时为了丰富Law 霸的人物形象?
Sina: Was it to make the character Law Ba more interesting and colorful?
Kevin: Every character is unique in its own way. I actually borrowed this from "The Godfather" - the Italians spoke with the gesture with taste. With that plus putting emphasis when speaking does exudes a certain manliness. Law Ba is a mature man.

主持人:Law 霸给我们呈现了一个另外的郑嘉颖,是以前在影视作品中很少看到的另一面,他穿的很邋遢,很随意。
Sina: Law Ba presented a very different Kevin Cheng, a side of you which we don't get to see very often in your previous work - he really cannot care less with his dressing.
Kevin: Very middle age sort of feel 

Sina: Did you also "design" this look for him?
Kevin: I'm actually the fourth choice for this character - it wasn't meant for me. The first 3 choices were all older than me. For once, I am actually playing someone older than my actual age. In the past, I have always played a character who is younger than my actual age. So I hoped to make this character even more man - in the past I have always clean cut and goody goody characters, pretty boring, so I was pretty excited when I was offered this role. The fact that the script was not written with me in mind is an icing on the cake because if it was, the role will most likely be framed around the roles which I have played in the past but because it was not written for me, no restrictions.

Sina: And we are very lucky to get to see this side of you.
Kevin: I feel lucky too that I am able to land myself in this role.

  主持人:对你来说会不会觉得饰演Law 霸这个人物会比较轻松一些或者是?
Sina: In your opinion, is playing someone like Law Ba more relaxed or....?
  郑嘉颖:也不能说轻松,只不过拍喜剧的部分,轻松的那些戏的时候蛮好玩的,玩的很开心。Law 霸还有他严肃的时候,去打官司,很多事情很重要,有关人命,所以,他打官司的时候那个戏也要严肃一点儿,也要认真一点儿去处理。
Kevin: Not exactly but when we are filming the fun part of the drama, it does get pretty relaxed and happy. There is still a serious side to Law Ba - when he's in court, when life is threatened, so court scenes will be more serious.

Sina: But it is undeniable that you have a lot more facial expressions in Ghetto Justice.
Kevin: Correct, a lot of monkey faces too.

Sina: Did you exaggerate some of them on purpose?
Kevin: No, it was the role, I started from the character itself. I don't usually do that, I don't usually have that many expressions. He (Law Ba), when he wins a case, he will give that look, not arrogant, but "Are you angry? Let me piss you off even more!" in the name of fun.

Sina: From Ghetto Justice to Ghetto Justice 2, I personally think that it is getting closer to life, more dialogue, a lot of impromptu performances?
Kevin: When Ghetto Justice was released, it was very well received. It was a vote of confidence to the actors. All of us knew which direction is the best to go when it came to filming the sequel. I was able to let go and understood him (Law Ba) better. Under such circumstances where there are no burden, you will of course be more natural and comfortable acting the character.

Sina: In your opinion, what is the major difference between Ghetto Justice and Ghetto Justice 2?
  郑嘉颖:《怒火街头》每个人物的性格都很鲜明,第二不可能再介绍一次Law 霸是怎么样,王世虎怎么样,观众看过《怒火街头》已经很清楚了,我们从一些事件出发,怎么处理,去处理一些事件,比如第一集说的,我们感情比较稳定,没办法,稳定的感情不好看,所以,第二套就出现十年前的结过婚,有老婆出来,编剧也很为难,因为他们要想一些点子出来才有戏可以演,你说合不合理?我们演员的责任不是我们写,就是把它尽量演的合理化。
Kevin: The characters of each person were very distinctive in Ghetto Justice but in the sequel, it is impossible to re-introduce each character again. We begin from events - how we handle them for example, the first installment ended with me having a stable relationship with Kris Wong but stable relationships are boring. So in GJ2, the story took a turn that Law Ba was actually married 10 years ago and the wife appears. Screenwriters have a difficult job because they need to come up with ideas to make the show more interesting, right? Our job is to make sure that these words are rationalized. 

Sina: In fact in the first 2 episodes of Ghetto Justice 2, you are eating non-stop.
Kevin: Actually they all fit in - it is just a continuation from before. After being released from prison, while waiting for his friends to pick him up, he got hungry so naturally he will look for his favourite food. 

Sina: Will Ghetto Justice jump on the sequel wagons - more sequels to come?
Kevin: Let's take one step at a time. TVB will monitor the response from the audience and the popularity of GJ2 before deciding if there will be GJ3. This is the Olympic season so many people will turn to watching the Olympic games instead but the slot which GJ2 will be aired is actually the popular slot with the highest viewership of the day. Will the Olympics have any impact on the ratings? of course it will have an impact.

Sina: It can be that TVB is extremely confident of this drama that's why they have slot this at such a timing, clashing with the Olympics.
Kevin: That is correct but it is also very contradicting. If it has been slotted in a different time slot, the ratings will definitely be better but it's an honor that the company thinks so highly of this series.

Sina: What do you think of the recent news and attention on Myolie's relationship problems as a friend and partner?
Kevin: As a friend, I think they should be left alone because I'm actually very close to both parties. As an outsider, I don't think we know what is actually going on or has gone on behind close doors so I think it will be best to leave them to handle this themselves. They are both adults and mature people, they will know how to handle this. 

Sina: The more popular you are, the more people will be interested in your personal life. I believe you can feel that too.
Kevin: Especially my love life.

Sina: Yes, everybody's concern. I have seen some reports/articles too and honestly, I believed some of them.

Sina: Like the time when it was between you and Annie Liu.
Kevin: Nothing - the next time she comes, you can ask her yourself. We have never even gone for dinner before. We are only colleagues, we do not even keep in touch after work. In Hong Kong, I only watch basketball - I don't pay attention to gossip magazines, rumours. I don't even buy newspapers. I might just give it a quick look onboard the plane. I don't read gossips/rumors online - I have reached that stage. I am rumored with someone new every other week - I can't even keep up with who I'm with now. I think this will stop only when one day I reveal the identity of my other half otherwise, these rumors will never stop.

Sina: So, from what you have just said, seems like you have no problems revealing when you start dating or marriage is on the books.
Kevin: I will when the relationship is stable - not in the beginning when we are still trying to know and understand each other.

Sina: But judging from your schedule there 2 years, I don't think you have time to develop a relationship. You have like 7 dramas in a year?
Kevin: That's right. I have been very busy with work these two years but I have, in fact, mentioned many times that chances do not come by everyday so once it is here, one has to cherish it and grab it. Initially I wanted to just stop at 3 dramas this year and the later half, concentrate on recording my EP, rest, date but now plans have changed because career is my priority right now.

Sina: Can't let go of a good script.
Kevin: Not exactly. How do I put it? I have a couple of good script on hand right now - some are more relaxed than others - but why do I want to take on relaxing and easy projects? Ip Man is more challenging and there is a certain level of danger because I am not confident that I can play this character well. Wing Chun is difficult to learn and many great actors have played this character before so the challenge and danger is there that's why I think I should grab this role.

Sina: To challenge yourself?
Kevin: Yes because the other roles, I feel, I can play them well confidently. But Ip Man's possibilities are vast - I really cannot guess what the outcome might be but I feel excited taking it on. So, base on my instinct, I felt that I should move out of my comfort zone and dabble into something "unsafe".

Sina: That's why you accepted the role of Ip Man
Kevin: That's right

Sina: We are all familiar with this legend especially the Donnie Yen version. Tony Leung has also played the same character.
Kevin: Anthony Wong too.

Sina: Then what is in the Kevin Cheng version?
Kevin: The difference is mine's a series, not movie. We have more time but they only have 2 hours to introduce Ip Man. In a TV Series, we are able to portray Ip Man from when he's a kid and bring more detail into his life. That is my advantage over the others - that is the advantage of a series to a movie.

Sina: Allows us to see how this person grow.
Kevin: I can take it slow, no need to rush. This is the advantage of a TV series and be more realistic.

Sina: The movie version has brought a lot of attention to Wing Chun and Ip Man himself. Audiences are also more familiar with his character and life story.
Kevin: That's right so the level of difficulty, just like Scarlett Heart, a lot of people knows the story. So if you don't do it well, you will be condemned. That's why it is a challenge because so many people already know and recognize who Ip Man is.

Sina: Correct.
Kevin: Sad ones, crying ones, weak ones - I have acted in such roles before in fact, some of them I have acted a few times so I don't want to play such roles again and I don't want the audience to have an impression that I will be in such roles forever so I need a new challenge.

Sina: You mentioned as well that Ip Man is synonymous to Wing Chun. Donnie Yen has already the martial art base.
Kevin: Donnie Yen has martial art background, Tony Leung learnt the art as he filmed, for 5 years. Anthony Wong also has a little martial art background but I have seen the candidate for the role Ip Man of this TV series and not all of them on list knows martial art. So by looking at that list, I believe, they would have thought about the importance of having a martial art background to play Ip Man and they would have decided that it will be good enough to have an instructor by the side to guide along as we film.

Sina: Before you joined the crew, did you practice Wing Chun or were you already familiar with the moves?
Kevin: I didn't have the time to. I joined the crew two days after I accepted the job so it was pretty rush for me to do be prepared prior that. Why? Well because they are running on a very tight schedule. I know the character Ip Man but if I had known that I will be playing this person, I would have started training months earlier. I only got the script very much later. I did try to ask if we can delay the filming a little but due to various reasons, they had to start now. Then I thought if they had pick somebody else to play this role, they too wouldn't have enough time to prepare. They too would have to learn as they go along so I told myself to buck up and to be more confident in myself. I have, after all, starred in a couple of martial art based series.

Sina: Certain scenes will probably contain certain element of danger, would you insist on doing it yourself? 
Kevin: I try not to use a substitute wherever I can. I have seen pictures of actors in our crew with broken toes. They started filming only a week before I joined them and you can already see bruises so I have an idea what to expect.

Sina: Are you not afraid?
Kevin: There is a certain danger but since I have chose to take up this challenge, there isn't any point worrying and being afraid. Even if I am afraid/worried, as long as I'm not dead, I will continue to the end.

Sina: Like what you said as well, it does come with a certain level of uncertainty but then again, it does present another side of you to your audience, a side which we don't get to see very often on the silver screen - your fight scenes.
Kevin: That's right. That's why, it is something new and different for me personally and a challenge as well.

Sina: As a guy, do you have your own hero fantasies?
Kevin: Yes! I loved Bruce Lee when I was a kid - loved his movies. In fact, this is something I have never told anyone before, my dad knows martial arts. When I was younger he will teach me the very basic like the basic stance, box. I recall an incident in school when my classmate asked what new moves have I learnt the previous day. I said "Now don't move, stay still - I'll show you" I gave him a punch and he cried as a result of that punch. I was in a Catholic school then - the nun actually called to meet the parents. She told my dad that I was punched somebody in school and made that boy cry. My dad stopped teaching me since and since then, they stopped me from learning as well. 

Sina: So you will watch your dad practice his moves when you were younger?
Kevin: Yes

Sina: You will watch him all the time?
Kevin: Yes that's how I got interested and begged him to teach me. It's because I hit a classmate that's why I didn't get to continue learning the art. 

Sina: Given a chance but then taken away again
Kevin: I was only 5 then.

Sina: Will this role then fulfill your Hero dream?
Kevin: If I hadn't hit the boy, situation will be totally different today. I would have had learnt the basics, at least and will not have so much difficulties trying to play Ip Man.

Sina: There is such thought
Kevin: Yes

Sina: Different Kevin Cheng shapes the different on screen roles, including 《万水千山风雨情》which has just wrapped up?
Kevin: Wrapped up in July

Sina: Even though this series have not hit the streets yet but the trailer is already out there. A lot of audience tried to guess and understand the story line through the trailer. You have a lot of cry scenes in there.
Kevin: The few series that I have this year, all of them have a lot of cry scenes. People tend to come to me with such roles.

Sina: But such genre is gaining popularity.
  郑嘉颖:所以,这是更大的原因,为什么我会接《叶问》,反过来离开一下这个类型,因为我手上也有些剧本都不错,但是都蛮虐人的一种,但是我看拍起来会轻松很多,很有把握,很有安全感,但是出来肯定不会太糟糕了,很放心。所以,可能先停一停,拍一些没把握的东西,出来有人骂也好,但是我会尽力把它演好,对自己也有一个交待,对支持我的人也想有些新鲜感给他们,不可能永远一个Law 霸,又轻松,又不辛苦,但是有新鲜感,这个类型的演过了,一代宗师很难。
Kevin: That is also one of the reason why I accepted Ip Man - to go against the flow leaving that genre alone for awhile. In fact, I have quite a few good scripts on hand but they belong the same genre so if I had accepted those, I would be able to complete the job with ease, very confident that I can do them well. Very secure because I know the finished product will not be too bad. So I decided to stop that and accept something which I'm not confident of doing well in at all but I will do my very best. My fans will also expect to see something new from me - I can't play Law Ba forever.

Sina: Any particular role that you really want to try?
Kevin: A soldier, some legendary figure with dramatic effect, historical figures but it has to be true story not adapted - that sort of series.

Sina: What we have been discussing are work and plans on the silver screen but what are your plans for the big screen?
Kevin: Actually I am receiving movie scripts as well but I have not come across anything which interest me. The last movie I did was 11 months ago. Next year, I probably will not take on so many series and I really do not know if I will be able to release my album this year. I was really hoping that I will be able to get one album out this year. As for the big screen, I actually had a script which I like and was hoping to be able to start filming within the year but the director's schedule is full. He is a director I really like so I will wait for his schedule to open up before we talk about the possibility again.

Sina: You mentioned music - you mentioned you really wish to push this album out but because of work, you have to keep pushing the release backwards. This album to you, especially as a singer, does it signify something totally different that's why you must make sure that you are fully prepared before releasing it?
Kevin: Yes. I don't want to release the album for the sake of releasing it without giving my best because to be honest, I am not in a hurry to release the album. I am not chasing for any awards and I am not releasing because I want any awards. I am releasing this album because singing is my interest. Secondly, I don't have a theme song to my name, something I really regret. In a nutshell, this album is for myself. So, I hope to be able to release this album under the best possible circumstances - if I'm not happy with the outcome, I will definitely not put it out in the market. 

Sina: What will this album be? What sort music will you put in?
Kevin: I will not put in something just because it is popular at the moment. Whatever that will be in my album will be things that I like - there will be up-tempo songs but will those genre that I like. There are also slow songs, soothing songs - a variety of style but they were all chosen by me. So whether it sells or not it doesn't really bother me because I'm not the boss but of course, I do hope it will sell for the benefit of the company but it is not my priority.

Sina: But you can tell that the company has given you a lot of freedom this time.
Kevin: Yes and I'm thankful for that. Also, I am halfway through recording but I told them I have to leave to start shooting a new drama and then I left. But what can I do? It cannot be help - it is not up to me alone.

Sina: Is this a cantonese album?
Kevin: No, it's a mandarin album that's why I need longer time to complete the album. I have a Mandarin teacher with me while recording to correct me on my pronunciation. I am very weak with mandarin pronunciation so while recording, I have to keep tabs on various aspect - pronunciation, feelings, etc

Sina: It is a very beautiful thing if you are able to produce a mandarin album because you have a lot of fans in Mainland China who are waiting for the release.
Kevin: The last mandarin album I released was in Taiwan, back in 1997 - quite some time already. In between I have actually sang quite a few theme songs for TV series. In 2006 I released a Greatest Hits plus New Songs album but all in Cantonese.

Sina: Your work focus have shifted to China right? Is this part of the plan?
Kevin: Indeed the workload in China has increased but I have another plan that is to open a studio in China next year to allow me to dabble behind the scenes. Of course, right now I am starting to scout around for good scripts because to me, the most important element in making a good drama/film is the script. Once I see something that catches my eye then naturally I will start my studio. As long as I don't find the right script, the studio will be a waste if left unused. I might star in it or I might not depending on the script.

Sina: So you will eventually move behind the scenes?
Kevin: I hope to be able things that I really want to do. A good script is important. As actors, we get very excited if we land ourselves with a good script - going to work is happiness so I totally understand that feeling and will do my best to land with good scripts before I will start shooting. I might not be able to start shooting next year, then I will shoot the year after but I do hope that I will find the good script which I'm talking about by next year.

Sina: We too are looking forward to it. Wishing you the best of luck!
Kevin: I hope so too - thank you.

Sina: Actually a lot of people come to know you through your work. I have also come to know you better over the time that you are someone who is low-key when it comes to charity. I understand that you are actually sponsoring some 12 children around the world?
Kevin: Yes. I started sponsoring kids in 2006 and went on from there. I have been to Vietnam to look at these villages. I feel that children are our future but not everyone is fortunate like us to have the chance to go to school. A lot of the kids are very intelligent but no opportunity to explore that's why I hope that I can help a little here and there.

Sina: You will continue?
Kevin: Definitely I will continue to sponsor in fact I am planning to visit some of these villages but my schedule is really pack so I hope to be able to embark on this next year. I hope to see more people chip in to help these less fortunate kids because a person's strength is limited. I am able to touch only a very small group of them but if more people are aware of their situation and start to chip in then we will be able to touch more lives. I don't see a point of promoting my charitable work - I am doing it for myself because I am happy to be able to help the less fortunate with whatever I've got and can. But the media found out later on.

Sina: Right, you used your influence to encourage more people to do the same.
Kevin: Yes, I hope so too.
Sina: Ip Man will wrap up in November so is this the only project you have on hand the rest of the year plus the uncertain album?
Kevin: At the moment, yes but there are a lot of projects still being negotiated. Let me concentrate on Ip Man first then we'll see.

Sina: You still have pending series which have not hit our screens yet. Do you know when it will be aired?
Kevin: Should be next year 

Sina: Your birthday is around the corner - Happy Birthday
Kevin: It's not my birthday yet

Sina: Coming soon. Do you know who you share your birthday with?
Kevin: Napoleon Bonaparte

Sina: I didn't think you would know.
Kevin: Someone told me but whether he's great or not, I don't know.

Sina: Let me tell you the character of the person born on 15th August - it is written in detail like the personal traits but after I can conclude that this person is natural leader.
Kevin: But I'm not

Sina: It also mentioned that if there are people around you who uses the right method, guiding you like a friend, you will present your soft and warm side, softening your desire to be in control and leadership attitude. Did you notice that while we chatted, you have unknowingly shown some of such traits?
Kevin: Which area?

Sina: When you mentioned about music, I can feel that you hope to be able to present your best then you have plans to move behind the scenes. In fact, you hope to have more control, right?
Kevin: Maybe. Maybe somewhere deep in my heart there is such possibility.

Sina: We have a gift for you which we have prepared. Taking this opportunity also to find out if you have been watching the Olympics?
Kevin: Honestly there isn't a lot of time. I watched the badminton finals where Lin Dan eventually bagged the gold. I also managed to catch tennis finals - just these two events.

Sina: There is also the Liu Xiang's preliminaries today.
Kevin: That's right - gotta watch.

Sina: Thank you. We wish to invite someone to pass you our present.
Kevin: Thank you, shouldn't have. The last time you treated me to noodles. What is it this time?

Sina: This time it is a birthday cake prepared by Beijing fans.
Sina: Thank you everybody. Here is wishing you an advance happy birth, all the best filming Ip Man.
Kevin: Thank you everybody

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