Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Article: Hunan TV 05 September 2012 - Kevin Cheng & Liu Xiaofeng visits Red Light District in Ip Man

  “三料视帝”郑嘉颖与“千面小生”刘小锋近日携手赏风月,逛妓院、喝花酒,郑嘉颖更对其中一名妓女指指点点,表情丰富。   原来,这是《叶问》剧组在昆山福纳影视基地拍的一组戏。戏中,刘小锋扮演的林青山,以叶问救儿子为由,胁迫郑嘉颖扮演的叶问穿国民党衣服,进妓院喝花酒,更威逼其指认伪装成妓女的地下革命党,从而达到叶问身败名裂、“被汉奸”的阴谋。   被圈内专业人士誉为“千面小生”的刘小锋,历经十几年的演技磨练,演起坏角来得心应手、丝丝入扣;人气超旺、拿奖拿到手软的“五料视帝”郑嘉颖首演一代宗师,已隐见侠气宗师风范,两位实力演技派将会碰撞出怎样精彩绝伦的火花?让我们耐心期待电视剧《叶问》吧.
Recently, TV King Kevin Cheng and Liu Xiaofeng visited the brothel, drank good wine together recently. Kevin even pointed out a prostitute, full of expression. Don't worry, it is just part of the scene in Ip Man, filmed within the movie city in Kunshan. Lin Qingshan (played by Liu), using Ip Man's excuse to rescue his son, forced Ip Man to dress up in KMT uniform to enter a brothel and even coerced a Revolutionary Party member to dress up as a prostitute to achieve his aim of ruining Ip Man and conspire to make him the "traitor"

Labelled as man with thousand faces, Liu Xiaofeng, after 10 years of working on his acting skills plays the role of a baddie with ease. 

TV King Kevin, whose popularity is riding high, plays Grand Master Ip Man for the first time, exudes the air of the legend. 

What sort of chemistry will these 2 great actors bring to the screen? Let us wait patiently to the release of TV series Ip Man.

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