Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mingpao 18 January 2013: Kevin Cheng's popularity soars invited by Valentino to Paris Fashion Week

Kevin Cheng is working very hard in Mainland China earning RMB pushing his popularity to new heights. He was recently invited by Valentino for the launching of their latest collection in Paris. Valentino admires the fact that he is matured but at the same time contemporary which is what the brand stands for. Kevin is the only invited Asian artist.

嘉穎開心可以率先欣賞到歐洲時裝的最新潮流,他大讚當晚時裝表演的服裝非常有型有格,很合他的心水。品牌行政總裁主動跟嘉穎合照及打招呼,感激他這次的來臨;品牌著名設計師Maria Grazia Chiuri及Pier Paolo Piccioli亦非常高興嘉穎喜歡這次表演的服裝,希望為嘉穎度身設計一套服裝,給他出席重要場合如頒獎禮所用。
Kevin was extremely glad that he's able to see first hand the latest fashion coming out of Europe. He praised the night's performance and designs put up on show for being stylish and admits it fits him. The CEO of Valentino took the initiative to greet Kevin and requested to have a picture taken with him, thanking him for coming to the event. Valentino's Creative Directors Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pier Paolo Piccioli was delighted that Kevin likes what he saw on the catwalk and hopes to be able to tailor make a suit for Kevin which he can wear for formal events like award ceremonies. 

Apart from being there for the event, Kevin's trip to Paris has also burnt a hole in his pocket. It is said that he spent millions on a new wardrobe. He has been busy shooting prior to this so no time to update his wardrobe and took this opportunity to get some new ones. After he returns to Hong Kong, he will be back in China for a number of commercial events and advertisement shoots. Believe all these new clothes will be handy.

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