Sunday, January 20, 2013

21CN 28 January 2013: Kevin says he's not tall enough to be on the catwalk

Kevin was invited by Valentino to Paris as guest at their fashion show and was arranged to be seated at the front row. First timer at a fashion show in Paris, Kevin modestly says that he is not tall enough to be a model on the catwalk and that is taking this trip as a holiday at the same time. 

  艺人郑嘉颖于巴黎时间16日(前日)出席在当地举行的Valentino 2013秋冬男装秀,姗姗来迟的他获品牌安排坐头排看演出,同场并巧遇时装达人黄伟文。郑嘉颖坦言这次是他首次在巴黎欣赏男装秀,问到观后感,他笑着说:“节奏好快啊,我觉得slim cut好适合我,我是传48码的,当中我最喜欢格纹的设计。”至于可有想过自己成为男模走秀?他自认不够高:“他们每个人都好高大,我不行啦。(你谦而已?)不是的。”
Kevin Cheng attended Valentino 2013 Autumn/Winter Fashion Collection in Paris on 16th January. He was arranged a front row seat by the brand and bumped into fashion guru Wyman Wong at the same event. Kevin admits that this is the first time that he's ever been in Paris for any fashion shows, he says "The pace is very fast. I think the slim cuts suits me very well. I am a 48 and I love the checkered designs the best." Asked if he has ever thought of being a model on the catwalk? He admits that he does not have the height: "They are all so tall, I can't. (You are being modest?) No."
Kevin is very thankful for the invitation and with regards to opportunity to work with Valentino, he said: "I will maintain friendly relationship." Having arrived in Paris 2 days earlier he said he has a magazine photoshoot the day after the show and will leave the same night. No time to shop nor sightsee. He said: "I cannot stay too long this time. I need to rush back to Hengdian for my new period drama. Although I do not have the time to shop but I'm glad that I have the opportunity to taste French cuisine. Actually I have not gone on proper holiday for more than a year. This trip is more like a half work, half holiday trip."

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