Friday, January 25, 2013

KwangaiTVB 17 Jan 2013: More than RMB300,000 an episode?

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鄭嘉穎今年計劃多多,既創業開工作室,又會推出新碟。: A2 X! s' U) F

Kevin has a lot of plans for 2013, including opening up his own production company and releasing his long awaited album.

Rumours surrounds those who are successful. Kevin was in Paris but he was subjected to Director Li Lik Chi's "abuse". Instead of retaliating, Kevin politely acknowledge: "I have actually rejected Director Li's offer after going through the script."

嘉穎憑《步步驚心》在內地爆紅,內地劇一部接一部,身價暴漲。肥水不流別人田,嘉穎在內地開設工作室,投資拍攝內地劇,「現正在研究劇本才真正明白到創作是一件很繁複的事。」劇本由他原創,交由編劇寫成劇本,「劇本改了又改,發展好幾個劇本了,正在挑選中。」% r$ ?6 [3 O1 X, J+ |, a

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Kevin raised to stardom in Mainland China with Scarlet Heart. China's TV series offer since then has been available to him one after another causing a huge jump in his price-tag. To ride on this wave, Kevin has confirm that he will be starting up his own production company in China, "We are going through the script now and I finally understand that creation is a very complicated thing." The screenplay is Kevin's own original creation but will be written into a script by a professional playwright, "The script keeps changing and there has been a few versions developed so far and we are selecting the best."

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. ~. X9 `/ e: O他用真金白銀還是用名氣作投資?「真金白銀。我對工作室很有信心,按現時情況,風險應等於零,我最希望做到是雙贏,贏口碑、贏收視。」嘉穎會親自擔演創業作,「工作室是我另一個事業的開始,我會作多方面嘗試,希望過程可以好開心。現在見到的是每個部門都好到位,演員好開心,導演又愉快,參加演出的演員有內地也有香港的。」
Is Kevin investing using real hard cash or his name? "Cold hard cash. I am confident that my production company will succeed. Looking at how it's moving along, the risk is as good as none. I hope to be able to achieve a double win - ratings and reputation." Will Kevin star in his maiden production? "Production is the next step in my career. I will try various stuff related to drama production and hope to enjoy the process. At the moment, every department is happy - actors are happy, directors are happy. There will be actors from both Hong Kong and China helping me out in my first production."

& A/ K4 `6 X, i, b! q$ ?/ p/ J在籌拍期間,他發覺:「原來演員片酬佔了很大部分的製作費,不得不碌卡,請他們只收人情價,這些人情債我日後會還的。」% K, F' k) K& r* g/ V! }3 |& M

( z5 |0 |* b0 c' h  u「有的,很多謝觀眾對我的認同。」兩屆視帝嘉穎謙虛的說,有指他身價現時是30萬一集,對此他不置可否,知情人士透露,嘉穎身價早已不止30萬一集了。
During shooting he realised that: "An actor's pay represents the most part of the budget. They are helping me out this time and is only taking a small token from me. These gratitude debt, I will repay in time to come."
"Claiming the TV King title - does it help in pushing up your popularity?"
"Definitely. I'm really grateful to the viewers for accepting me." says the two time TV King humbly. There are reports claiming that he is worth RMB300,000 an episode but insiders reveal that he has way surpassed that amount.

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Kevin Cheng's fans will not likely see Kevin starring in any TVB series but will definitely be able to hear him sing again: "I am recording songs for my new album at the moment. I hope to be able to release it in Autumn this year." Dating? "I wish but I have not met the right one yet." Kevin says: "My dream is to get married and have one or two kids." Kevin's mum has given up asking him to start his family. Let's see if Kevin will end up like his peers who shifted their career up North, forging a long distance relationship.

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