Tuesday, October 30, 2012

NetEase 26 October 2012: Kevin injures his right eye requiring 10 stitches

Kevin was awarded in Hong Kong for a night to seek treatment to his injured right eye. He graciously accepted interview at the airport when he touched down in Hong Kong and played down the seriousness of his injury. He says he will temporarily stop work and recuperate in Hong Kong while Virginia Lok reveals that Kevin's injury will require stitches and he will need to be hospitalised. 

Sina 26 October 2012: Kevin's right eye seriously injured, blood splattered all over studio

  新浪娱乐讯 10月25日下午3点左右,郑嘉颖在电视剧《叶问》片场被重拳击中,右眼立刻出现拳头大小的乌青,眼部皮肤被划伤。从现场工作人员提供的图片及视频中清楚可见郑嘉颖受伤的全过程,受伤后郑嘉颖用手捂住右眼,透过指缝能看见在往外渗血,伤势严重血溅现场。
On 25th October 2012 around 3:00pm, Kevin's right eye received a heavy punch and fist-sized bruise appeared immediately around the eye. The skin around the eye was visibly scratched. Pictures and video released by on-site crew shows the whole process how Kevin ended up injured, showing how Kevin covered his eyes with his hands. Blood can be seen oozing through his fingers and all around the scene, a tell-tale sign of the seriousness of his injuries.

Pictures: 30 October 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

Xinhua 29 October 2012: Kevin hurt on set, 10 stitches bill to cost as much as RMB100,000

Kevin accidentally got his right eye injured while filming Ip Man in Kunshan. The eye bled and swelled immediately causing the martial art expert to panic. Kevin took the night flight back to Hong Kong the same evening to seek treatment. It is reported that one night of treatment will cost up to RMB100,000.

Kevin plays Ip Man in the series and has more than 200 fight scenes and this scene shot on 25th October is a duel between Ip Man and Lin Qingshan. In order to ensure the effects of the show, Kevin generally insists of completing the scenes himself without substitute. Before the camera started rolling, Kevin and Liu Xiaofeng's substitute have rehearsed once but during the actual shoot, Kevin's response was a fraction of a second slow while the punch came faster than expected resulting in the punch landing directly onto Kevin's right eye. From the pictures taken at the scene, Kevin's facial expression was visibly grim and his right eye indeed suffered a heavy blow and bloody.

Kevin when faced with media at Hong Kong airport told reporters that this is but a trivial matter. It will need maybe 2 stitches and jokingly told reporters that a man should have scars. It was reported that Kevin was admitted to the hospital but instead of 2 stitches, he got 10 instead and that one night in hospital cost him RMB100,000. At the moment, Kevin is recuperating at home and when will he return to rejoin the crew is still an unknown.

Sina 26 October 2012: Kevin injures right eye, rushes back to Hong Kong in the night

  新浪娱乐讯 于昆山拍摄电视剧《叶问》的视帝郑嘉颖[微博]今午意外伤及右眼,他立即飞回本港,前往医院接受治疗。他指伤口并非大家想象的严重,相信缝两针就没事,只是无法连戏,要暂时停工。
Kevin who is shooting Ip Man in Kunshan suffered an injury to his right eye today and have flown back to Hong Kong immediately to seek treatment. He claims that the injuries are not as serious as it seems, maybe 2 stitches or so will do but it will not be possible to continue shooting at the moment.

Mingpao Daily 27 October 2012: Kevin discharged after 10 stitches

Earlier this week when filming Ip Man in Kunshan, Kevin was injured while shooting a fight scene - his opponent accidentally split the corner of his right eye. Because the injury is not light, he was rushed back to Hong Kong on a night flight and was warded into the hospital for surgery which required 10 stitches. He was discharged after a night's stay. He actually had an event in Shenyang to attend the next day but had to be helplessly cancelled.

Tencent 27 October 2012: Kevin had 10 stitches on his injury, Liu Xiaofeng feels terribly sorry

Kevin Cheng was accidentally injured during shooting of Ip Man resulting in a 2-inch long split at the corner of his right eye and was rushed back in the night to Hong Kong to seek treatment. According to friends, Kevin's injury required 10 stitches and warded in the hospital for a night. He has since been discharged and resting at home. He will stay back in Hong Kong for a week to recuperate and shooting will be suspended due to injury. All work arrangements will be decided after stitches are removed this week.

Kevin's Weibo 26 October 2012

Back in Hong Kong and have been treated. Everything's fine, don't worry. But am really sorry that I will not be able to attend the event tomorrow. Please be rest assured that I will definitely arrange a trip to Shenyang to meet everyone.

**This message was published after he received his 10 stitches.

Kevin's Weibo 29 October 2012

Annie: Picture from Guan Sok Yee's FB.....can you find 8th Prince Kevin Cheng in the picture?

Kevin: You cannot see me....you cannot see me.....

**Can you find Kevin? 

Pictures: 29 October 2012

Video: Red Dust set visit

Link: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDE0NTIzMDg4.html

Video: Fan-made MV

Link: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/i2WqqjS7f6w/?resourceId=82094680_06_02_99

Video: Ip Man set visit by fan

Link: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/AG_Dpfo7G5E/

Video: NG scene on set of Ip Man shoot

Link: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDY2MzczMzg0.html

Video: Kevin admits he prefers daughters

Link: http://www.56.com/u59/v_NzcwOTM3Njg.html

Video: Ghetto Justice NG scenes

Link: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/YVf7_YjGz-Y/?resourceId=0_03_05_02

Link: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/YCF2GQgAbMw/?bid=03&pid=02&resourceId=0_03_05_02

Video: Kevin's first interview after injury incident (phone interview)

Link: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ey3n0Wxg39o/

Astro on Demand Awards 2012 - Open to Astro subscribers only

The annual Astro On Demand Awards is here again! Please vote for Kevin!!!! 
**Voting is only open in Malaysia unless you are able to mask your IP otherwise you will not be able to access the voting form**

Date: 02 December 2012
Venue: Sunway Convention Centre
Time: 08:30pm
Link: http://zhongwen.astro.com.my/AODAwards/home.aspx
Voting period: 25 Oct - 18 Nov 2012

** I don't have an Astro account - anybody who has, can please share your account number?**

Video: Fans visiting the set of Red Dust

Link: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDY3NzUxNzgw.html

Video: Kevin's injury and interview at Hong Kong airport

Because I am on iPad, I cannot embed but this is the latest video - just released an hour ago. I will do it up when I am back. He left the hospital this afternoon and had 10 stitches on his right eye. He will be resting a week in Hong Kong before removing his stitches.

  Link: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/o-zbVnHtcGs/?bid=03&pid=02&resourceId=245564_03_05_02

Article 26 October 2012: Kevin rushed to hospital upon arrival

While shooting Ip Man, a punch caused a pretty bad injury to Kevin's right eye - it resulted in quite a long split to the corner of his eye. He took the first flight out to Hong Kong to seek treatment. He was seen walking out of the immigration at 11.15pm to a group of waiting media.

Yahoo 25 October 2012: Kevin badly hurt during shooting, rushed back to Hong Kong

Kevin injured his right eye pretty badly during shooting in Kunshan. After insisting on finishing the rest of the shooting, he rushed back to Hong Kong to seek treatment the same day. 

HunanTV 22 Oct 2012: Kevin spews fresh blood on set

On the set of Ip Man, Kevin vomits fresh blood.

"Aiiii" a mouthful of fresh blood is spewed from the mouth! 

"Ahhhh" Those visiting the set screams when they see the blood.

Friday, October 26, 2012

News Flash: Kevin hurt, flying back to Hong Kong!

Kevin hurt himself during filming today. We understand that he was punched in the eye and it was bleeding but he insisted on finishing the scene before being rushed to hospital. 

Tomorrow's Dior appearance is officially cancelled because Kevin has taken the night flight back to Hong Kong to seek treatment. We hear that injury is not light but not serious either. I will continue to update this page if I get anymore news. At this moment, this is all I know.  

Update: 26 October 2012
Kevin was rushed to the hospital the moment he arrived in Hong Kong at midnight last night. He called Virginia Lok the moment he landed and she was already waiting for him at the hospital. Kevin's good friend Ben was also there at the hospital waiting when he arrived. Kevin was warded for a day. 

Reporters met him at both the airport and hospital. Kevin acted very strong and also joked with the reporters who came, asking everybody not to worry, just a small injury. He also posted on his weibo asking his fans not to worry but Virginia Lok revealed that he required stitches and the injury is pretty bad. She also revealed that Kevin was pretty frustrated because he still has events, appearances plus the shooting to complete. Because of his injury, he will have to stop working for a period of time. Also, Miss Lok revealed that Kevin was in fact trying to act tough facing the public because he told her he is actually in a lot of pain. 

Pictures: 26 October 2012

I am currently overseas and updating using my iPad so there are a lot of limitations with what I am able to share. I will be back in full swing on Monday but for now, please bear with me.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Article 25 Oct 2012 - to be translated

IEasyTV 25 October 2012: Ip Man's Love and Hate

Being the life and soul of this drama, Kevin's got a huge challenge in front of him. The amount of fight scenes involved plus his busy schedule will greatly challenge his body physically. Although Kevin has put in a lot of effort to learn relentlessly from the experts but he admits that he still gets nervous whenever he has to play opposite them. He admits he welcomes such challenges, sculpting his own version of Ip Man. Han Xue who plays Ip Man's wife in the drama is full of praises for Kevin's matureness. 

Pictures: 25 October 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pictures: 20 October 2012

Sohu 17 Oct 2012: Final stages of shooting Ip Man, Kevin displays true heroism

搜狐娱乐讯 由郑嘉颖(在线看影视作品)主演的电视剧版《叶问》现正在昆山热拍中,虽时至金秋但片场依旧热度不减,郑嘉颖为塑造这位武学大师所付出的努力更是有目共睹,实属敬业又认真,也因此获得了在场工作人员及搭档演员的一致好评。而英雄人物向来义重情长,郑嘉颖除在剧中大展武学造诣之外,更有一身侠骨柔情,戏里戏外尽显英雄本色。
Although it we are into early Autumn but the heat in the film set doesn't seem to any different from summertime. Kevin's dedication and hard-work is obvious to all. That has also won him praises amongst the crew and fellow colleagues. 

HunanTV 17 Oct 2012: TV version of IP, Kevin in tears misses Han Xue

Zhang Yongcheng's name is written behind the photo in her handwriting.

The front is a picture of the smiling Zhang Yongcheng.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Pictures: 19 October 2012

Souhu 17 Oct 2012: Kevin goes topless in Ip Man, nurses blush while dressing his wound

由苏州福纳公司出品的电视剧版《叶问》正在昆山紧张拍摄中,剧中男一号叶问的扮演者郑嘉颖 几乎每天都有高强度的打戏。郑嘉颖坦言:“从来没有试过一部戏是几乎没有一天不打的,非常之累。”记者探班当天,就刚好又遇到一场重要的打戏——郑嘉颖PK日本剑圣小笠原。  
Kevin, who is in the final stages of shooting Ip Man, has challenging fight scenes almost everyday. He admits "I have never shot a drama that requires me to fight everyday. It is extremely tiring." Today, while our reporters are visiting the set, Kevin will take on Japanese swordsman.

Although Kevin has never practiced martial arts and is not from a professional martial art family, but due to his diligence, hard-work and his talent coupled with guidance from the martial art experts on the set, one can hardly find any fault with his Wing Chun moves.