An English site dedicated to Kevin Cheng by trying to bring him closer to fans who, like myself, cannot read Chinese.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Kevin's Weibo 10 August 2013
Thanks to fans from all around the world who attended today's gathering. I had a unforgettable day and hope you had a fun afternoon. To the fan who put together my 20 years in the industry into a video, I hope to see you next time. Thank u n take care.
致: 香港TVB艺人郑嘉颖,
ReplyDelete你好, 在马来西亚-吉隆坡,2013年8月21日讯,一辆满载53名乘客的巴士,今午从云顶高原下山时候失落约30公尺深的山谷,载稿时,有37人证实死亡,16人获救,死者包括司机。罗难者多为本地人-马来西亚吉隆坡的人,当局出动吊车以把敝祸巴士吊上来。嘉颖, 马来西亚槟城朋友Allan豪,于23-8-2013笔。