Friday, June 29, 2012

Kevin Back in Hong Kong

**Editor 29 June 2012 08:00pm: we just heard that the report below might or might not be true. There are contradicting reports that Kevin is still in Mainland China so we will take below with a pinch of salt**

Just read the news today that Kevin's back in Hong Kong for a short break. This should mean that the Chinese drama he was filing for the past couple of months is done but he will be back in Beijing again on 4th July to attend the Hua Ding award ceremony.

Below an article from Kuangai TVB yesterday:

嘉穎閃縮夜蒲 阿佘約女開餐; N! e+ ~, k: o9 `  A
$ T4 i1 _& c' z& ?2 h% }7 {
過氣緋聞情侶佘詩曼和鄭嘉穎,日前難得有空檔回港,各有各夜蒲尋開心,阿佘大方約朋友食飯敍舊,嘉穎則神秘出入小心翼翼,一於避而不見免再添話題。# @9 `2 R8 D3 A& k7 D


日前阿佘和嘉穎分別趁拍攝空檔回港,難得同在香港,但兩人卻選擇各有各夜蒲尋開心,未有相約見面。阿佘相約女性朋友到中環食晚飯,大約十時半左右,便服打扮的阿佘獨自離開,登上停泊在路邊的座駕,她看見記者即時大方地打招呼。' u1 s& n' w  }; r

戴帽遮樣* H+ [" e3 q/ G2 E# U! G
至於緋聞多籮籮的嘉穎,為免被拍得約會鐵證,回港後一直小心翼翼,日前他於晚上7時多步出家門,戴帽遮樣之餘,一邊講電話一邊小心地四處察看,當晚更刻意乘的士避耳目,沒有開自己的車子。嘉穎乘的士直往尖沙咀後,馬上登上商業大廈,再由秘道離開,成功擺脫追訪。+ Q' J2 M  x+ H

Kevin and Charmaine Sheah are both taking a break in Hong Kong away from their hectic schedule in China at the same time. Charmaine was seen catching up over dinner with her girlfriends while Kevin was extremely careful to avoid any news.

The rumour between Kevin and Charmaine has been going on for many years. Every now and again, there will be rumours of them getting back together again. Ever since both of them started focusing their careers in Mainland China and Kevin being rumoured with various actresses, they have been drifting farther apart.

Although both are back in Hong Kong at the same time, but they have not arranged to meet. Charmaine was seen having dinner with her girlfriends in Central District. Around 10.30pm, she was seen leaving in her Mercedes Benz. She did not try not try to shun away when she spotted the reporters lingering around but acknowledged them in return.

Due to recent non-stop rumours surrounding himself, Kevin was very careful getting around in Hong Kong to avoid being photographed and later used against him. He was seen stepping out of his house at 7.00pm. He donned a cap and was on the phone while his eyes scanned the area continuously. He chose to take a cab that night instead of driving, towards a building in Tsim Tsa Tsui but left through a secret passage later on, getting rid of the reporters successfully.

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