An English site dedicated to Kevin Cheng by trying to bring him closer to fans who, like myself, cannot read Chinese.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Sohu 25 Feb 2013: Ip Man's premiere received rave reviews and recognition, story line compact yet original
Ip Man premiered on Chinese New Year's 15th day, 24th Feb 2013, on Shandong Qilu's TV Channel. Relative to other martial art based stories, the plot of this series is crystal clear but still able to follow the growth of Ip Man. The compact plot and prominent humanistic concept has won great reviews for this show. Netizens has commented that it is more satisfying watching the series than the movie. Director Fan Xiao Tian commented that Ip Man asked many questions facing life. His rustic goodness and dedication to save his country through martial arts eventually earned him the title of grandmaster.
Ip Man premiered on Chinese New Year's 15th day, 24th Feb 2013, on Shandong Qilu's TV Channel. Relative to other martial art based stories, the plot of this series is crystal clear but still able to follow the growth of Ip Man. The compact plot and prominent humanistic concept has won great reviews for this show. Netizens has commented that it is more satisfying watching the series than the movie. Director Fan Xiao Tian commented that Ip Man asked many questions facing life. His rustic goodness and dedication to save his country through martial arts eventually earned him the title of grandmaster.
Ciwen Media 25 Feb 2013: Hua Xu Ying 3 main cast appears at meet the fan session, fans go wild
On the last day of Chinese New Year, TV series Hua Xu Ying's crew arranged a meet the fan session in Xiang Shan. The main cast of Kevin Cheng, Yuang Hong and Jiang Xing appeared in full costume at the event. Fans from all over the country braved the cold weather and took advantage of the holidays to attend the event. The scene was chaotic and continuous wild screams can be heard when the cast appeared to say hello.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Phoenix Media 27 Feb 2013: Hua Xu Ying Director Li supports Kevin Cheng, claims he is royalty
根据唐七公子热门小说改编的电视剧《华胥引》正在浙江象山热拍,该剧讲述几段发生在乱世的凄美爱情,并通过一曲《华胥调》依次展现。除已曝光的郑嘉颖、袁 弘、蒋欣等当红明星外,陆续还将有大批当红花旦小生进组拍摄。此外,凭借电影《十月围城》一举夺得香港电影金像奖最佳动作设计的李达超,为该剧亲执导筒!
Based on the novel, Hua Xu Ying is being shot in Xiang Shan. This show recounts the story of beautiful love in troubled times and tells the tale through the song Hua Xu Diao. Apart from known cast Kevin Cheng, Yuan Hong and Jiang Xin, there will continue to be a stream of popular stars who will join the crew. Apart from that, winner of Best Action Choreography for the movie Bodyguards and Assassins at Hong Kong's Film Awards, Li Tat Chiu, will be directing this show.
Based on the novel, Hua Xu Ying is being shot in Xiang Shan. This show recounts the story of beautiful love in troubled times and tells the tale through the song Hua Xu Diao. Apart from known cast Kevin Cheng, Yuan Hong and Jiang Xin, there will continue to be a stream of popular stars who will join the crew. Apart from that, winner of Best Action Choreography for the movie Bodyguards and Assassins at Hong Kong's Film Awards, Li Tat Chiu, will be directing this show.
李达超,香港第一批将动画融入影视剧制作的导演之一,并曾参与好莱坞电影《黑客帝国》的武术设计。2003年凭电影《黑白森林》入围第40届台湾金 马奖最佳动作设计奖,同年他执导的内地奇幻武侠电视剧《水月洞天》和《灵镜传奇》在各地热播,风靡一时。2010年凭借电影《十月围城》,与董玮“分享” 了香港金像奖最佳动作设计奖。
Li Tat Chiu, one of Hong Kong's pioneer in incorporating animation into television drama production, was involved in The Matrix's martial art choreography. In 2003, he was nominated in the 40th Taiwan Golden Horse Award in the Best Action Choreography Award for the movie Black and White Forest. In the same year, he directed Mainland China's fantasy martial art drama Moon which turned out to be a big hit. In 2010, he shared the award of Best Action Choreography with Tong Wei for his work in Bodyguards and Assassins.
Li Tat Chiu, one of Hong Kong's pioneer in incorporating animation into television drama production, was involved in The Matrix's martial art choreography. In 2003, he was nominated in the 40th Taiwan Golden Horse Award in the Best Action Choreography Award for the movie Black and White Forest. In the same year, he directed Mainland China's fantasy martial art drama Moon which turned out to be a big hit. In 2010, he shared the award of Best Action Choreography with Tong Wei for his work in Bodyguards and Assassins.
春节几天,李达超率领的《华胥引》剧组日夜抢拍戏份,他笑说:“我敢说,《华胥引》剧组是最敬业的,你看大年初一,从编剧到导演,再到演员和其他工 作人员,都还坚守在工作岗位!”而对于定妆照曝光后,有网友吐槽郑嘉颖饰演男主角苏誉“太老”,李达超则给出了这样一番答案:“电视剧毕竟和小说是不一样 的,就像《甄嬛传》的男主角,在小说中也是20多岁,但到了电视剧中,就变成了40几岁,因为只有成熟、内敛、深沉的男主角,才有可能‘镇’得住每天勾心 斗角、心计重重的前朝与后宫,这样的气场,是20岁出头的年轻人不可能拥有的!而小说《华胥引》中的苏誉,也不仅仅是一个温文尔雅的多情公子,他更是一个 胸怀文韬武略的霸主,一个能够在各国纷争中雄霸于天下的王者,有着过人的胆识和非凡的气魄,这也不是一个20岁出头的毛头小伙子能够做到的,但郑嘉颖是一 个善用眼神表达人物内心复杂情感的好演员,他可以恰到好处地将苏誉的多重人格魅力展现出来!”除郑嘉颖外,李达超透露,袁弘与蒋欣也都同样出色,他们所诠 释的沈岸与宋凝,也都是对小说人物最合理的展现:“袁弘本身硬朗帅气,与沈岸的气质简直浑然天成;而蒋欣从‘华妃娘娘’这个大反派一下子转变到外刚内柔的 痴情女子,诠释得极为到位,可塑性极强!”
During Chinese New Year, Director Li headed his team and was shooting all day. He smiled saying: "I dare say my crew is the most professional crew around. On the first day of Chinese New Year, everybody from scriptwriter to the director, from actors to production team, all of us were hard at work!" After the official pictures of Kevin Cheng's role were published, many netizens commented that he is too old to play the male lead, Su Yu.
Director Li replied: "Novel and TV is not the same. The male lead of Zhen Huan Chuan is only 20 years old in the novel but in the TV series, the person who played the lead was 40+ because only a matured, restrained and experienced actor will be able to maintain the kind of mentality that the character entails everyday. This is not something a young 20+ actor can do! Su Yu in the novel is not only a gentle and passionate man. He is also someone who has the arrogance and aspirations of domination. He is someone who will take the world with his extraordinary courage and boldness. Again, not something someone that young can handle. Kevin on the other hand is someone who is very good at expressing the complexity of the character's inner emotions with his eyes. He can easily display the multiple personality of Su Yu easily!"
Apart from Kevin Cheng, Director Li reveals that Yuang Hong and Jiang Xin are just as outstanding. Their interpretations of their respective characters are excellent. "Yuan Hong is manly and handsome which matches his character Shen Yang's mild temperament; while Jiang Xin plays someone who is strong on the outside but gentle inside."
During Chinese New Year, Director Li headed his team and was shooting all day. He smiled saying: "I dare say my crew is the most professional crew around. On the first day of Chinese New Year, everybody from scriptwriter to the director, from actors to production team, all of us were hard at work!" After the official pictures of Kevin Cheng's role were published, many netizens commented that he is too old to play the male lead, Su Yu.
Director Li replied: "Novel and TV is not the same. The male lead of Zhen Huan Chuan is only 20 years old in the novel but in the TV series, the person who played the lead was 40+ because only a matured, restrained and experienced actor will be able to maintain the kind of mentality that the character entails everyday. This is not something a young 20+ actor can do! Su Yu in the novel is not only a gentle and passionate man. He is also someone who has the arrogance and aspirations of domination. He is someone who will take the world with his extraordinary courage and boldness. Again, not something someone that young can handle. Kevin on the other hand is someone who is very good at expressing the complexity of the character's inner emotions with his eyes. He can easily display the multiple personality of Su Yu easily!"
Apart from Kevin Cheng, Director Li reveals that Yuang Hong and Jiang Xin are just as outstanding. Their interpretations of their respective characters are excellent. "Yuan Hong is manly and handsome which matches his character Shen Yang's mild temperament; while Jiang Xin plays someone who is strong on the outside but gentle inside."
Director Li reveals that Jiang Xin's character has 3 armour costumes and each costs a bomb! "People tend to ask me why would a person who goes to war in the war field require so many garish? I replied saying that this is extremely worth every cent because Song Ning is not only a female general but she's also a girl! But she is different from other girls because her lust is hidden behind a thick armour. In order to bring that out, the unique and elaborate armour is necessary." It is reported that the stylist Chen Min Zheng has put in a lot of thoughts into designing and creating these armours. Each of them are different in colour, design and styles.
Director Li reveals that Jiang Xin's character has 3 armour costumes and each costs a bomb! "People tend to ask me why would a person who goes to war in the war field require so many garish? I replied saying that this is extremely worth every cent because Song Ning is not only a female general but she's also a girl! But she is different from other girls because her lust is hidden behind a thick armour. In order to bring that out, the unique and elaborate armour is necessary." It is reported that the stylist Chen Min Zheng has put in a lot of thoughts into designing and creating these armours. Each of them are different in colour, design and styles.
Kevin's Weibo 26 Feb 2013
Orignal post: Do you still remember Ruoxi? Do you still remember 4th Prince who is cold on the outside but warm at heart? Do you still remember the times when you were rushing to your TV set to follow the drama, the heart-wrenching story? 2013 version of the opening song is now released. Thank you for all your support!
Video: Hua Xu Ying set visit
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
China News 25 Feb 2013: Xiang Shan TV and Film City Meet The Fans, Kevin Cheng spends last day of CNY with fans
明星与粉丝共度元宵 明星与粉丝共度元宵 宁波2月24日电(何蒋勇陈晓桦)24日下午2时(正月十五元宵节),浙江省宁波象山影视城春秋战国城皇宫举办《华胥引》剧组粉丝见面会。郑嘉颖、袁弘、蒋欣等主创到会见面会,和粉丝共度元宵。 记者在现场发现,各位明星在现
24th Feb 2pm, Xiang Shan TV and Film organised Hua Xu Ying meet the fans session. Main cast Kevin Cheng, Yuan Hong and Jiang Xin attended the event, spending the last day of Chinese New Year with fans.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Sina 23 Feb 2013: Ip Man premiering on Qilu Channel, Kevin Cheng and Han Xue plays husband and wife
Ip Man will finally be premiering on 24th Feb 2013 on Shandong's Qili Channel. It is reported that Qili has come up with more than 10 different clips to be aired up to 20 times a day promoting its upcoming premiere, way way ahead of many current popular shows.
The TV version of Ip Man is directed by Fan Xiao-Tian, Zhang Tan as executive producer and head of scriptwriting, Taiwanese producer Yang Pei Pei, producer Cui Baozhu acts as creative director, movie Ip Man's director Wilson Yip creative consultant, Ip Man's son Ip Chun and Ip Zheng as Wing Chun's consultant while martial art director was headed by Li Da Chao, the same person who was the martial art director for the movie Bodyguards and Assassins.
The cast is headed by Kevin Cheng who plays Ip Man, Han Xue who plays his wife Zhang Yongcheng, Liu Xiaofeng who plays the main oppositiong Lin Qingshan, Clarrisa Chow, Yu Rongguang, Yuen Wah, Liang Xiaolong, Kou Zhenhai, Wu Qianqian, Song Yang, Xu Xiangdong, Pu Chao Ying, Liao Hai Long, Jiang Kai and many other stars.
TV version of Ip Man showcases the development of martial arts through this special time in history while shaping the character Ip Man. At the same time, this TV series make up for the defects of previous martial art shows concentrating on the depth of concern for the turbulent era and troubled times, using martial arts to seek the road to salvation. The show also showcases Ip Man's turbulent growth and his marriage's twist and turn.
In addition to Qilu channel, China has 5 satellite broadcasting companies plus Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang etc more than 10 TV stations who has bought the broadcast rights to the show. Hunan, Hubei and a number of other TV stations has recently pushed the schedule of Ip Man premiere ahead of schedule.
Producers revealed that TVB has bought Ip Man's global broadcast rights. At the same time Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia, South Korea, Mongolia, Thailand has signed while Japan, Indonesia etc have put in an offer for the broadcast right and is under negotiation.
Ip Man will finally be premiering on 24th Feb 2013 on Shandong's Qili Channel. It is reported that Qili has come up with more than 10 different clips to be aired up to 20 times a day promoting its upcoming premiere, way way ahead of many current popular shows.
The TV version of Ip Man is directed by Fan Xiao-Tian, Zhang Tan as executive producer and head of scriptwriting, Taiwanese producer Yang Pei Pei, producer Cui Baozhu acts as creative director, movie Ip Man's director Wilson Yip creative consultant, Ip Man's son Ip Chun and Ip Zheng as Wing Chun's consultant while martial art director was headed by Li Da Chao, the same person who was the martial art director for the movie Bodyguards and Assassins.
The cast is headed by Kevin Cheng who plays Ip Man, Han Xue who plays his wife Zhang Yongcheng, Liu Xiaofeng who plays the main oppositiong Lin Qingshan, Clarrisa Chow, Yu Rongguang, Yuen Wah, Liang Xiaolong, Kou Zhenhai, Wu Qianqian, Song Yang, Xu Xiangdong, Pu Chao Ying, Liao Hai Long, Jiang Kai and many other stars.
TV version of Ip Man showcases the development of martial arts through this special time in history while shaping the character Ip Man. At the same time, this TV series make up for the defects of previous martial art shows concentrating on the depth of concern for the turbulent era and troubled times, using martial arts to seek the road to salvation. The show also showcases Ip Man's turbulent growth and his marriage's twist and turn.
In addition to Qilu channel, China has 5 satellite broadcasting companies plus Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang etc more than 10 TV stations who has bought the broadcast rights to the show. Hunan, Hubei and a number of other TV stations has recently pushed the schedule of Ip Man premiere ahead of schedule.
Producers revealed that TVB has bought Ip Man's global broadcast rights. At the same time Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia, South Korea, Mongolia, Thailand has signed while Japan, Indonesia etc have put in an offer for the broadcast right and is under negotiation.
Hong Kong Daily News 23 Feb 2013: Kevin Cheng Promotes Healthy Living
Kevin Cheng, who is the spokesperson for a certain health brand, has been very busy commuting between Hong Kong and China for work these couple of year emphasizes the importances of health.
For the advertisement shoot this time, Kevin has various looks. The photographer of the day seeks perfection and in order to capture Kevin's most charming eyes, the photoshoot went on for quite a number of hours but even under the most intense lighting, there wasn't a hint of weariness in Kevin. Kevin has been extremely popular in China these couple of years. He admitted that he used to hate memorising when he was still in school: "Memorising my script now is not a chore anymore because I take long term health supplements which helps to increase my memory and concentration so I do not spend long hours trying to memorise lenghty dialogues. That way I get to use those extra time on hand to rest!" Apart from the different poses, he was able to distract everybody with his jokes creating laughters. It's no wonder all the staff became his fans, all requesting to have their picture taken with him.
Kevin Cheng, who is the spokesperson for a certain health brand, has been very busy commuting between Hong Kong and China for work these couple of year emphasizes the importances of health.
For the advertisement shoot this time, Kevin has various looks. The photographer of the day seeks perfection and in order to capture Kevin's most charming eyes, the photoshoot went on for quite a number of hours but even under the most intense lighting, there wasn't a hint of weariness in Kevin. Kevin has been extremely popular in China these couple of years. He admitted that he used to hate memorising when he was still in school: "Memorising my script now is not a chore anymore because I take long term health supplements which helps to increase my memory and concentration so I do not spend long hours trying to memorise lenghty dialogues. That way I get to use those extra time on hand to rest!" Apart from the different poses, he was able to distract everybody with his jokes creating laughters. It's no wonder all the staff became his fans, all requesting to have their picture taken with him.
Sun Newspapers 22 Feb 2013: Kevin Cheng, Squina's spokesperson for 8th consecutive years
Kevin Cheng remains as Squina's spokesperson for 8 consecutive years. When he went back to Hong Kong recently to shoot still advertisement pictures, his aura charmed many of the staff there who requested to have pictures taken with him.
Kevin Cheng remains as Squina's spokesperson for 8 consecutive years. When he went back to Hong Kong recently to shoot still advertisement pictures, his aura charmed many of the staff there who requested to have pictures taken with him.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Kevin's Weibo 21 Feb 2013
Original post: Even before up on the silver screen, Ip Man has already attracted interests from the public. In Mainland China, there are a total of 5 satellite and 10 terrestrial channels who have signed broadcast rights with the production company. Overseas, TVB is the first to have purchased the global rights to the show. Ip Man will premiere in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Europe etc countries/regions which are under TVB's coverage.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Sohu 19 Feb 2013: Kevin becomes classic TV image, fans saying TVB is asking you to go "home"!
搜狐娱乐讯 近日有网民发现无线剧集近几年来“屏中屏”重复播放06年郑嘉颖的旧作《天幕下的恋人》,郑嘉颖塑造的沈朗形象频繁出现在TVB电视剧集中。包括《天与地》、《读心神探》、《护花危情》、《On Call 36小时》、《法证先锋3》及《雷霆扫毒》等多部热播作品,横跨数年。此现象引发了网络热议,也遭到了众多网友的调侃,称这是TVB在喊郑嘉颖回家拍戏。
Recently Internet users have noticed that in many TVB series, Kevin Cheng's 2006 series Under The Canopy Of Love is repeated aired on TV in the background. The image of the character he played, Alan Sum, frequently appears in the backdrop of series like When Heaven Burns, Every Move You Make, Witness Insecurity, On Call 36 Hours, Forensic Heroes 3, Highs and Lows etc spanning several years. This phenomenon has triggered a heated online discussion and ridiculed by many online users claiming that it is TVB's way of asking Kevin to return "home".
News: Yip Man Premiere
Ip Man will premiere in China on 25th February 2013!!!
Date: 25 February 2013
Time: 7:20pm - 9:50pm (3 episodes)
For those of you who are interested, you may watch along with the rest of the Chinese fans online via The name in full is 武林宗师叶问
Date: 25 February 2013
Time: 7:20pm - 9:50pm (3 episodes)
For those of you who are interested, you may watch along with the rest of the Chinese fans online via The name in full is 武林宗师叶问
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Pictures (EXCLUSIVE!): Kevin's look for his new show (19 Feb 2013)
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Event: "Hua Xu Ying" meet the fans session
Video: NetEast Interview
Video: Kevin's Interview on Ghetto Justice 2 and others
Video: 2011 Kevin's movie trailer
Monday, February 18, 2013
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Kevin's Weibo 16 Feb 2013
Original post: Use one sentence to describe your idol
Kevin: Thank you mum
Orignal post: If your weibo has a group of somebody's fans please do not stop following their post because they are putting in a lot of effort for the sake of their idol. Their effort has no regard to day or night just so that their idol can get the recognition they deserve. They have experienced the fall and rise of their idol. Their idol gives them their strength to more forward. Everybody will be idolise somebody at least once but this time, might be forever.
KC: Love you guys
Kevin: Thank you mum
Orignal post: If your weibo has a group of somebody's fans please do not stop following their post because they are putting in a lot of effort for the sake of their idol. Their effort has no regard to day or night just so that their idol can get the recognition they deserve. They have experienced the fall and rise of their idol. Their idol gives them their strength to more forward. Everybody will be idolise somebody at least once but this time, might be forever.
KC: Love you guys
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